Note: if using the character animation modifier codes, the values differ by one digit backwards, ie 0000 - Sneaking would be FFFF - Sneaking. 0001 - Walking is 0000 - Walking, and so on. The value as seen in RAM however will still be the actual value as seen here on the list. Conker, weasel henchmen, and all else multiplayer characters Model IDs: 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 75, 80, 82, 88, 90, 96, 98, 9C, 9D, 9F, A0, B0, B1, B2, B4 0000 - sneaking 0001 - walking 0002 - run 0003 - conker comments while tapping foot 0004 - conker tapping foot 0005 - conker racing on lavaboard 0006 - jump(Beta) 0007 - Alternate death? (Unused) 0008 - Farting (Beta) 0009 - landing (Beta? still have to do more research on this) 000A - ??(Beta?) 000B - Tail Whip(Beta) 000C - backing slowly 000D - about to pull out gameboy out of pocket 000E - putting gameboy in pocket after playing 000F - Idle 0010 - waving arms up and down(Beta? Probably a test animation) 0011 - pull out magazine 0012 - run (beta) 0013 - die 1 (comic close circle alert!) 0014 - pull lever 0015 - turning around to see what happened behind back 0016 - Knee bend 0017 - ??? 0018 - pushing something 0019 - dodge something 1 001A - pointing 001B - crawling 001C - ??? 001D - "No Idea" (used in various cutscenes) 001E - ??? 001F - ??? 0020 - ??? 0021 - braking 0022 - swim on surface 0023 - pushing something 2 0024 - underwater, dead 0025 - looking around 0026 - reading magazine 0027 - Landing from high place, taking damage 0028 - running out of breath 0029 - finished reading magazine 002A - after grabbing the money 002B - running away in terror 002C - urinating (no pee appears) 002D - done urinating (zip sfx) 002E - about to start peeing (zip sfx) 002F - filling up the tank ('burp!!' sfx, then drunk behavior) 0030 - ? 0031 - ?? 0032 - jump 0033 - drunk, punching 0034 - grabbing money 0035 - pull out knifes 0036 - landing 0037 - Jump (Beta) 0038 - waving arms while in the air 0039 - waving arms while in the air 2 003A - aiming with knife 003B - diving 003C - falling in dive pose 003D - slingshot fire 003E - slingshot aim 003F - throwing knifes 0040 - climbing up platform 0041 - loading slingshot with a conker 0042 - hanging from a platform 0043 - drunk, jumping 0044 - peppering 0045 - slamming with bricks 0046 - frying pan swing 0047 - drinking beer can 0048 - Anvil 0049 - Pulling out beer can 004A - turning into an anvil 004B - anvil slam 004C - Over fire 004D - yellow robot suit idle 004E - yellow robot suit walking 004F - yellow robot suit rotating it's claws 0050 - ? 0051 - ? 0052 - conker wet 0053 - Weird jump(beta?) 0054 - Falling 0055 - milkshake glass pull out 0056 - milkshake glass throw backwards 0057 - milkshake glass drink 0058 - dead (comic close circle alert!) 0059 - dead 2 005A - riding Franky the pitchfork 1 005B - riding Franky the pitchfork 2 005C - riding Franky the pitchfork 3 005D - 005E - pull out juggling balls 005F - conker juggling 0060 - Done juggling balls, saying "i thank you" 0061 - Shaking off water 0062 - Holding tight at broken leg 0063 - Standing, with leg broken 0064 - Walking, balancing 0065 - oh, oh! 0066 - Trying to keep his balance 0067 - About to put hands in pockets 0068 - flametorch 0069 - Jumping up from lava, all over fire 006A - ?? 006B - standing still, balancing 006C - walking through water 006D - walking with broken leg 006E - Jumping with broken leg(unused?) 006F - Getting back up(cutscene) 0070 - jumping away to avoid the great mighty poo's pooball 0071 - "Buff you, asshole!" cutscene part 0072 - 1 chocolate piece left(feeling weak, in short) 0073 - i'm waiting(idle waiting animation) 0074 - what about that guy over there(cutscene) 0075 - NO WAY i'm going there (cutscene) 0076 - pull out bazooka 0077 - firing bazooka 0078 - put away bazooka 0079 - ??(cutscene) 007A - Push on wall 007B - pull out dual guns 007C - firing dual guns 007D - put away dual guns 007E - walking with dual guns 007F - standing still with dual guns 0080 - 0081 - kicking away beer can 0082 - scratching his head 0083 - yawning 0084 - hitting button on hayminators back 0085 - walking through water 0086 - Done waiting 0087 - Sitting down 0088 - 0089 - 008A - 008B - walking through the water 008C - riding bull? 008D - 008E - Knocking on toilet door 008F - 0090 - 0091 - pulling out flametorch 0092 - One, Two, Three.. Ten. 0093 - watching Gargoyle plummet down? 0094 - Putting away flametorch 0095 - Ten Dollars? I though you said it was a FORTUNE! 0096 - walking with something in hands 0097 - 0098 - Climbing rope 0099 - Crawling low 009A - 009B - Pulling out stopwatch 009C - 009D - 009E - 009F - ??? 00A0 - ??? 00A1 - oh, hi, i... 00A2 - ??? 00A3 - ??? 00A4 - hanging at a rope 00A5 - getting up after sliding down a steep slope(when walking towards certain steep slopes ONLY) 00A6 - swing walk while drunk 00A7 - walking fast while drunk 00A8 - staggering(didn't have any better name for it) 00A9 - BLARF!! 00AA - strange walk while drunk (no idea where it comes from, but it oddly stops at the end) 00AB - standing while drunk 00AC - walking and headache 00AD - ? 00AE - Glass Drink(prologue) 00AF - ? 00B0 - ? 00B1 - Avoiding the blood splatter(or somthing like that) 00B2 - ? 00B3 - Conker juggling 00B4 - Hypno 00B5 - Hypno 2 00B6 - Done Hypno 00B7 - Ducking 00B8 - Getting head down 00B9 - Sitting on throne(prologue) 00BA - Idle, saying "I hate butterflies" once, at random 00BB - "Boredi-bored-bored" 00BC - ? 00BD - standing still holding bazooka 00BE - Pulling out Flamethrower 00BF - Standing still, holding Flamethrower 00C0 - Put away Flamethrower 00C1 - ? 00C2 - grabbed by the Gargoyle(animation no.1) 00C3 - throwing knife 00C4 - 00C5 - 00C6 - 00C7 - 00C8 - Getting up after landing with head first 00C9 - ??? 00CA - falling(slows down) 00CB - Swimming underwater with object in hands 00CC - above surface(in water) 00CD - Alternate swimming animation?(Unused) 00CE - swimming underwater 00CF - falling 00D0 - ??? 00D1 - landing in the water 00D2 - ??? 00D3 - walking with broken leg 00D4 - ??? 00D5 - picking something up(cog, cheese, sweet corn, etc.) 00D6 - throwing away what he were holding(cheese, sweetcorn, etc.) 00D7 - walking while holding something 00D8 - holding something(cog, cheese, sweet corn, etc.) 00D9 - conkers shoot from slingshot animation (it actually works) 00DA - unknown 00DB - yeh, i know i'm great(cutscene animation) 00DC - grabbing bone from the remaining uga(cutscene) 00DD - hypno 00DE - hypno 00DF - chasing money 00E0 - turning around while peeing 00E1 - 00E2 - 00E3 - 00E4 - 00E5 - 00E6 - 00E7 - standing still with bazooka animation 00E8 - walking with bazooka animation 00E9 - helico animation 00EA - heightless jump 00EB - jump extra high animation 00EC - jump extra high animation 00ED - crossbow walking??? 00EE - crossbow??? 00EF - something hit me in the butt animation 00F0 - regain control animation 00F1 - flattened 00F2 - automatically blown up 00F3 - falling 00F4 - falling 00F5 - after being knocked animation 00F6 - still flat 00F7 - throw multiple knifes one after the other 00F8 - walking with crossbow 00F9 - aiming knife 00FA - conker juggling 00FB - pull out crossbow animation 00FC - crossbow arrow fire animation 00FD - ??? 00FE - ??? 00FF - ??? 0100 - ??? 0101 - sliding down a steep hill animation 0102 - pull out knife animation 0103 - put away knife animation 0104 - conker pulls out the rareware logo animation (the logo itself doesn't show up in normal gameplay though) 0105 - ??? 0106 - walking with crossbow animation? 0107 - conker wipes the dust out of the rareware logo animation 0108 - ??? (crossbow related?) 0109 - conker sends the broken N64 logo pieces off the viewing screen and throws away the chainsaw animation 010A - aiming with crossbow animation 010B - conker leaning onto the rareware logo animation 010C - firing crossbow arrows in aiming view animation 010D - after conker cuts off the N64 logo animation 010E - pulling out the bat from pocket animation 010F - stand in place with baseball bat animation 0110 - put away baseball bat animation 0111 - running with baseball bat animation 0112 - walking with baseball bat animation 0113 - swing baseball bat animation 0114 - grabbing moneybag animation 0115 - stand in place with moneybag animation 0116 - walking with moneybag animation 0117 - running with moneybag animation 0118 - throw away moneybag animation 0119 - swing baseball bat downwards animation 011A - reloading the guns animation 011B - hit by baseball bat animation 011C - hit by baseball bat animation 2 011D - hit by gun bullets animation 011E - it smells pretty bad here animation (backing in disgust) 011F - it smells pretty bad here animation 2 (standing still in place) 0120 - pull out katana animation (katana is visible) 0121 - katana put away animation 0122 - katana stand animation 0123 - katana walking animation 0124 - katana run animation 0125 - ??? 0126 - ??? 0127 - waving arms while flaming animation 0128 - katana slice animation 0129 - katana slice animation 2 012A - katana slice animation 3 012B - 012C - 012D - reading info book 012E - put away info book, then frying pan swing 012F - extra chance after death 1 0130 - 0131 - 0132 - Sidestepping(Unused?) 0133 - Sidestepping(Unused?) 0134 - ??? 0135 - conker pointing to him or something 0136 - "What again?" 0137 - 0138 - 0139 - 013A - 013B - Conker: hang on a sec. what did you say about disposable(animation no.4)/Whose round is it? 013C - 013D - 013E - 013F - Putting cigar in mouth 0140 - 0141 - 0142 - 0143 - 0144 - aiming with guns 0145 - 0146 - 0147 - 0148 - 0149 - 014A - 014B - 014C - Walking with something in hands, but sounds panicked(beta?) 014D - Put on gas mask(no gas mask. beta?) 014E - put off gas mask 014F - 0150 - Vommiting, can't move 0151 - put on gas mask 0152 - Pull out Sniper gun 0153 - Standing, holding Sniper gun 0154 - Firing Sniper Gun 0155 - Put away Sniper gun 0156 - 0157 - 0158 - 0159 - 015A - Standing, holding chainsaw 015B - walk with chainsaw 015C - run with chainsaw 015D - pull out Chainsaw 015E - put away Chainsaw 015F - Using chainsaw 0160 - 0161 - Walk with one hit kill gun 0162 - Run with one hit kill gun 0163 - Pull out one hit kill gun 0164 - Put away one hit kill gun 0165 - Stand with one hit kill gun 0166 - Firing one hit kill gun 0167 - 0168 - pull out Flamethrower 0169 - Riding Bull 016A - climbing rope 016B - Throwing something(multiplayer Tediz) 016C - Throwing something 016D - Shaking water off shoe before entering pub 016E - holding breath 016F - 0170 - 0171 - pull out Yoyo 0172 - Yoyo 0173 - put away Yoyo 0174 - Yoyo 0175 - pulling out grenade 0176 - pulling out explosive thingy(tediz weapon in singleplayer) 0177 - holding grenade, standing still 0178 - walking with grenade 0179 - run with grenade 017A - Yoyo 017B - Salute 017C - waving hand at someone 017D - ??? 017E - head blown off 017F - 0180 - 0181 - 0182 - looking out for something far away(Unused?) 0183 - Kneeling down(Unused) 0184 - About to pet Pikachu(Unused) 0185 - Conker petting Pikachu.(Unused) 0186 - Conker: "I don't think any need for guesses"(Unused) 0187 - ?? Unused? 0188 - ?? Unused? 0189 - From the experiment 018A - Dead 3 018B - 018C - Grabbing Glass of water 018D - Dropping Anti-Drunk-Pills in glass 018E - effects of the anti(no-more-drunk-pills) animation 018F - Weasel Henchmen Imitating Don Weaso(Unused) 0190 - Weasel Henchmen Imitating Don Weaso(Unused) 0191 - Weasel Henchmen Imitating Don Weaso(Unused) 0192 - Weasel Henchmen Imitating Don Weaso(Unused) 0193 - Climbing ladder 0194 - 0195 - Weasel Henchmen pose, as seen in Heist(Multi) 0196 - 0197 - 0198 - 0199 - ??? 019A - 019B - 019C - 019D - 019E - 019F - Playing Gameboy(Conker) 01A0 - 01A1 - 01A2 - 01A3 - 01A4 - 01A5 - standing, holding key 01A6 - walking with key in hands 01A7 - running with key in hands 01A8 - "I think they've gone for a swim" 01A9 - "I wouldn't hold ya breath, cause it's ironic. which is what they do now" 01AA - of 01AB - 01AC - 01AD - 01AE - 01AF - 01B0 - 01B1 - 01B2 - Running(It's War chapter) 01B3 - eh, what? 01B4 - oh a job... 01B5 - Conker: and i feel lots better(animation no.4) 01B6 - Conker: right, let's get outta here(animation no.5) 01B7 - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial, event(animation no.1) 01B8 - Holding bomb, standing(only animation) 01B9 - conker about to do the worm 01BA - conker doi'n the worm animation 1 01BB - conker doi'n the worm animation 2 01BC - boogie 01BD - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.5) 01BE - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.3) 01BF - hungover drunk 01C0 - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial(animation no.1) 01C1 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.6) 01C2 - Hungover(Unused) 01C3 - Hungover(Unused) 01C4 - Hungover(Unused) 01C5 - Hungover(Unused) 01C6 - Hungover(Unused) 01C7 - Hungover(Unused) 01C8 - Hungover(Unused) 01C9 - Hungover(Unused) 01CA - Hungover(Unused) 01CB - when bored at rock solid animation 2 01CC - when bored at rock solid animation 3 01CD - pull out toilet paper 01CE - toilet paper aim 01CF - toilet paper pull out and throw it 01D0 - put away toilet paper 01D1 - 01D2 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.8) 01D3 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.7) 01D4 - 01D5 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.9) 01D6 - 01D7 - 01D8 - 01D9 - Conker: oh, just what i needed(animation no.1) 01DA - Conker:i see what he means.(animation no.2) 01DB - Conker:context sensitive(animation no.3) 01DC - 01DD - 01DE - 01DF - 01E0 - 01E1 - 01E2 - run with shotgun? 01E3 - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial(animation no.5) 01E4 - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial, event(animation no.2) 01E5 - Conker's hungover(animation no.3) 01E6 - Conker's hungover(animation no.1) 01E7 - Conker's hungover(animation no.5) 01E8 - Conker's hungover(animation no.6)(A variant of 200, but yet went unused?) 01E9 - 01EA - 01EB - 01EC - 01ED - run with sniper rifle? 01EE - pull out sniper rifle? 01EF - 01F0 - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial(animation no.4) 01F1 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.2) 01F2 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.1) 01F3 - Stand with shotgun 01F4 - Firing shotgun 01F5 - Walk with shotgun 01F6 - Run with shotgun 01F7 - Pull out shotgun 01F8 - Put away shotgun 01F9 - 01FA - standing, holding bomb 01FB - walking with bomb 01FC - Throwing bomb 01FD - "Im gonna be a bit late" 01FE - 01FF - "I don't feel soo good now" 0200 - Conker's hungover(animation no.6) 0201 - Conker's hungover(animation no.2) 0202 - Conker's hungover(animation no.4) 0203 - 0204 - 0205 - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial(animation no.3) 0206 - ?? 0207 - firing bazooka 0208 - "Doesn't look too good tonight" 0209 - "I've met up with a couple guys" 020A - Putting phone handle back onto place 020B - ? 020C - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial(animation no.2) 020D - walking and shooting (looping, and gun bursts) 020E - matrix jump animation 020F - matrix jump animation 0210 - Uga gyro standing, pretending nothings going on. 0211 - "You guys enjoy yourselves and all that.." 0212 - "Oh, i'll go this way" 0213 - ? 0214 - ? 0215 - ? 0216 - Jumping down 0217 - "Sorry about that, old chap." 0218 - vomitting (story cutscene) 0219 - Conker's hungover, recovering(animation no.1) 021A - Conker's hungover, recovering(animation no.2) 021B - Conker's hungover, recovering(animation no.3) 021C - Conker's hungover, context B button tutorial, event(animation no.3) 021D - ? 021E - gun reload 021F - "Gotta go." 0220 - Conker's hungover, meeting Birdy(animation no.4) 0221 - stand still holding shotgun 0222 - shotgun fire and reload 0223 - walking with shotgun 0224 - run with shotgun 0225 - pulling out shotgun 0226 - put away shotgun 0227 - shotgun fire and reload(without gun burst) 0228 - "I dunno. fight some war somewhere" 0229 - try to keep hold of heavy bazooka 022A - aiming bazooka(idle animation) 022B - walking with bazooka 022C - running with dual guns 022D - ? 022E - Been drinking too much again 022F - where could we be now then 0230 - ? 0231 - ? 0232 - "Ok i think she bought it" 0233 - zombie idle 0234 - zombie walking 0235 - Shotgun fire 2 0236 - Shotgun fire 2 0237 - Shotgun fire 2(without gun burst) 0238 - Dual Guns firing, walking 0239 - ? 023A - "I gotta go home." 023B - Neo Conker, walking with bag 023C - matrix animation 023D - zombie coming out of grave 023E - zombie idle 023F - zombie walking 0240 - pulling out a battery and inserting it into explorer helmet 0241 - ? 0242 - shot 0243 - caveman on lavaboard 0244 - matrix animation 0245 - ? 0246 - neo conker idle 0247 - attention notice 0248 - ? 0249 - putting TNT in pooball 024A - Neo Conker, pulling up dual guns 024B - ? 024C - ? 024D - ? 024E - zombie shot 024F - zombie shot 0250 - zombie shot 0251 - zombie crawling 0252 - ? 0253 - ? 0254 - ? 0255 - villager hooked onto conker bat 0256 - villager hooked onto conker bat 0257 - ? 0258 - villager hooked onto conker bat 0259 - villager laying down, stunned 025A - zombie eating 025B - conker being eaten by a zombie 025C - crossing arms and tapping foot(cutscene animation) 025D - crossing arms(cutscene animation) 025E - right, and that means? 025F - conker being eaten by a zombie 0260 - ? 0261 - a zombie eating with legs not functioning 0262 - reaching top of ladder(and also going UP a few pixels, not just graphically) 0263 - ? 0264 - ? 0265 - look. you know, you can have the money... 0266 - ? 0267 - "Has the testers got lazy or somethin'?" 0268 - "Has the testers got lazy or somethin'?", part 2 0269 - 026A - 026B - 026C - 026D - 026E - 026F - conker remembering things 1 0270 - conker remembering things 2 0271 - conker remembering things 3 0272 - conker remembering things 4 0273 - conker remembering things 5 0274 - conker remembering things 6 0275 - conker remembering things 7 0276 - conker remembering things 8 0277 - 0278 - Conker: well, asses to you then(animation no.3)/It's giving me an idea! 0279 - yellow suit hovering rockets 027A - yellow suit punch 027B - yellow suit punch 2 027C - yellow suit punch 3 027D - yellow suit punch 4 027E - yellow suit alien hold 027F - Gargoyle encounter(animation no.1) 0280 - Gargoyle encounter(animation no.2) 0281 - Gargoyle encounter(animation no.3) 0282 - 0283 - Yellow suit blocking 0284 - Yellow suit attacked 0285 - 0286 - 0287 - 0288 - 0289 - Yellow suit getting back up 028A - 028B - 028C - 028D - 028E - 028F - 0290 - oh no! what is the world coming to.. 0291 - i recognize that money. 0292 - oi! give me my money back! 0293 - Just stay there, the cavarly has arrived 0294 - Yeah, it's written on it. 0295 - Eenie, Meenie, Minie... okay! 0296 - 0297 - 0298 - laughing at the caveman who fell off the lavaboard 0299 - 029A - Oh hang on, I think it's this one actually. 029B - Ah, more Tediz(the animation plays at normal speed in the Off-Duty scene, so the last few frames are never seen normally) 029C - Oh no, what they're doin'??(From the Experiment scene, Unused) 029D - He's Still Alive!(From the Experiment scene, Unused) 029E - hey, squirrel, you've woken up... 029F - we nicked your money! money! money! money! 02A0 - prepare to moony moon him. 02A1 - moony moon moon gesture. 02A2 - 02A3 - ha! ha! stupid simon fell off the board 02A4 - yeah. the stupid bastard is burned up! 02A5 - now if the stupid squirrel wants his money back... 02A6 - yeah, let's go race him! 02A7 - let's go! 02A8 - caveman falling off lava board 02A9 - right! time to teach them a lesson! 02AA - 02AB - caveman with green, spiky hair on lavaboard, watching the bald caveman plummet down 02AC - 02AD - 02AE - 02AF - 02B0 - 02B1 - ? 02B2 - Conker: "Oh. Hey! excuse me. Hello." 02B3 - Conker: "Friendly type." 02B4 - Conker: "I don't see anything red around.." 02B5 - Conker: "Oh. Here we go again.." 02B6 - Conker: "Now logic would denote.." 02B7 - Lower body below ground, inanimate(unused?) 02B8 - Conker: "I think i get it.." 02B9 - "i told you i'm NOT a squirrel" 02BA - "Squirrels aren't short and furry, they're big and gray" 02BB - "they're long and snouty, and has flappy ears" 02BC - "and as for twitchy noses" 02BD - "ok calm down, i'll go and get it back" 02BE - 02BF - 02C0 - ah, another one, hi. 02C1 - whistling 02C2 - pulling out bone from pocket 02C3 - 02C4 - looking around(when in the Bull area) 02C5 - 02C6 - 02C7 - firing bazooka(tediz?) 02C8 - pulling out crossbow 02C9 - firing crossbow 02CA - pulling out cavemen knife of pocket 02CB - putting away cavemen knife 02CC - rapidly throwing cavemen knifes 02CD - throwing a cavemen knife 02CE - 02CF - 02D0 - drunk, walking(beta?) 02D1 - putting key in keyhole 02D2 - 02D3 - putting key in keyhole 02D4 - 02D5 - 02D6 - 02D7 - 02D8 - 02D9 - drinking 02DA - eating 02DB - 02DC - 02DD - 02DE - 02DF - "eh, you're not drinking then?" 02E0 - "he looks like you" 02E1 - "i don't mind if i do, thank you" 02E2 - 02E3 - 02E4 - walking with somthing in hand 02E5 - 02E6 - 02E7 - 02E8 - 02E9 - 02EA - 02EB - WAHAY! 02EC - Neo Conker, enraged 02ED - 02EE - hey Berri.. 02EF - 02F0 - 02F1 - 02F2 - weasel, sitting at the meeting 02F3 - not me, i've shown respect 02F4 - paulie dead 02F5 - ooh no, NOT me! i didn't do it.. 02F6 - who of us weasels haven't shown any respect?? 02F7 - don weaso's gonna beat me up 02F8 - i can't watch, it's too horrible 02F9 - watching again, in case it isn't actually happening 02FA - 02FB - 02FC - 02FD - 02FE - 02FF - 0300 - 0301 - "now mr. alien"(ending scene, throne room) 0302 - riding mr. barrel 0303 - riding mr. barrel 0304 - um, hello. any software enginneers in here?(cutscene animation) 0305 - "Oh yeah, hello!" 0306 - "I won't tell anyone about this lockup" 0307 - "Quite a bad lockup, that is." 0308 - "meh, this background looks grimy"(cutscene) 0309 - "Hm.. Let's see now" 030A - 030B - "Ah, that's better" 030C - "Ha, you guys" 030D - "ok, take me back to..." 030E - "the game's locked up.." 030F - "oh no, that's a bit volatile." 0310 - "oh no, i felt sure that was it.." 0311 - "And to think things would end this way. so near." 0312 - Game "locks up" 0313 - Opening suit helmet 0314 - ??? 0315 - ??? 0316 - "Confidence pills" 0317 - "I feel alot more confident. won't need these anymore" 0318 - I'll just cross this threshold here 0319 - ??? 031A - climbing down ladder 031B - running with gun? 031C - "What are you doing, get off!" 031D - ??? 031E - ??? 031F - Neo Conker, shooting from both sides 0320 - Neo Conker, shooting from both sides 0321 - 0322 - sitting on the throne 0323 - Conker:"This day didn't turn out that bad" 0324 - "Oh yeah. Ten 'o clock, i remember" 0325 - talking to the sergeant(at the end of It's War) 0326 - Hatching dino egg 0327 - 0328 - 0329 - 032A - "Get away from her you BITCH!" 032B - Conker: you're offering me cash(animation no.1) 032C - Conker: me, you mean?(animation no.2) 032D - 032E - 032F - Conker: oh and by the way(animation no.6) 0330 - Conker, depressed 0331 - Conker:"Scotch. Single malt. Speyside. No ice" 0332 - Conker:"Whoa there cowboy. Keep it comin'.." 0333 - Conker:"Ugh. You wouldn't believe it.." 0334 - Conker:"I don't wanna talk about it. I'll just drink this" 0335 - Conker:"Oh. Leave the bottle." 0336 - ?? 0337 - crying frenchie(multiplayer beach, when tediz win) 0338 - patting crying frenchie(multiplayer beach, when tediz win) 0339 - looking at the Tediz as they parade in front of frenchies(multiplayer beach, when tediz win) 033A - 033B - 033C - I'm starving..(From Raptor Multiplayer) 033D - I'm starving..(From Raptor Multiplayer) 033E - ??? 033F - ??? 0340 - ??? 0341 - grabbing money (no Faji visible) 0342 - Standing with shotgun(cutscene) 0343 - Moving right arm alot, less with left arm, and talking with bottom lip.Probably another test animation 0344 - ??? 0345 - put new battery in lighthelmet 0346 - aaoooww 0347 - ??? 0348 - ??? 0349 - 034A - The part where Conker assumes Rodent died cutscene 1 034B - The part where Conker assumes Rodent died cutscene 2 034C - The part where Conker assumes Rodent died cutscene 3 034D - The part where Conker assumes Rodent died cutscene 4 034E - yellow suit frozen (cutscene still model) 034F - ??? 0350 - ??? 0351 - regain control (unused?) 0352 - floating (looping) 0353 - death animation (looping, cutscene??) 0354 - bone swing (on lavaboard) 0355 - homerun bat swing (on lavaboard) 0356 - reloading shotgun (cutscene) 0357 - Uga Buga, ashamed(Raptor Multi) 0358 - putting away something Corn Bag: model ID: 0E 0000 - looking around 0001 - hopping 0002 - getting up 0003 - laying on back 0004 - Fall on his back 0005 - trying to get up? 0006 - waah!! 0007 - trying to get up(he may've had some of his own sounds here once, but they were overwritten before the final release, so that's all what is left) Franky the Pitchfork 0000 - Idling 0001 - Charging 0002 - Looking around 0003 - hopping 0004 - "there you are!" 0005 - knocked backwards by hitting wall 0006 - "this is too much" 0007 - Charging 0008 - Keeping still 0009 - Ashamed of his failure 000A - hitting his target 000B - getting back up 000C - hopping 000D - walking 000E - Charging 000F - jumping(when Conker rides him) 0010 - jumping 0011 - getting stuck in ground after falling down 0012 - Trying to free himself 0013 - cutscene 0014 - 0015 - banging his head on something?? 0016 - Prologue, sitting by Conker's throne Bucket: model ID: 2C 0000 - Hopping 0001 - Talking 0002 - Idling 0003 - Staying put 0004 - 0005 - Looking down 0006 - looking up 0007 - Looking down as Franky falls 0008 - Looking up at Franky, talking Paintbrush: model ID: 2D 0000 - Idling 0001 - Hopping 0002 - In mouth of Bucket 0003 - Idling? Monk: Model ID: 31 Bucket: model ID: 2C 0000 - Reading his rune 0001 - Walking with his rune 0002 - "Get off my stone!" 0003 - Sending Conker up in the air 0004 - "Heeeeech" 0005 - Looking around 0006 - 0007 - 0008 - 0009 - 000A - "How dare he vomitting at me" 000B - "Yuckk!" 000C - Idling Fire Imps(both Normal and Gray) 0000 - 0001 - 0002 - 0003 catching something with his mouth(from a montage trailer of a beta version of CBFD) 0004 - 0005 rolling 0006 - 0007 - 0008 - cartwheeling(Perhaps beta? Also makes unused Fire Imp sounds) 0009 - 000A - jumping 000B - 000C - 000D - Smoking cigar 000E - cutscene animation 000F - 0010 - cutscene animation 0011 - Drinking lighter fluid 0012 - chasing "furry guy"(Conker) 0013 - farting 0014 - farting 0015 - freaking out(beta?) 0016 - 0017 - lying down, drunk, laughing(looping) 0018 - lying down, drunk, laughing 0019 - coughing? 001A - 001B - 001C - shoving cigar up his ass 001D - 001E - 001F - 0020 - 0021 - i got peed by now 0022 - Dissapearing 0023 - Appearing 0024 - standing by the fire 0025 - standing by the fire 2 0026 - 0027 - whacked by frying pan(without sound) 0028 - you got it 0029 - wrong cheat 002A - You cheatin' bastard 002B - Looking at what you're typing at the letter table 002C - whacked by frying pan(with sound) 002D - Backflipping(have no clue if used or not.) Fajo: model ID: 3C 0000 - pause screen/just stayin' put 0001 - jumping around 0002 - 0003 - Not him again!! 0004 - pause screen/just stayin' put 0005 - jumping around 0006 - 0007 - whacked 0008 - lying down 0009 - lying down 000A - jumping around Dung Beetle: model ID: 44 0000 idle 0001 in position, popping out head 0002 in position with head out 0003 0004 flying 0005 trying to beat Conker 0006 0007 0008 flying 0009 beetle landing on back.(beta?) 000A beetle lying on back, spinning(beta?) 000B getting up(beta?) 000C turning(clockwise) 000D turning(counter-clockwise) 000E 000F 0010 0011 in position, looking around 0012 on back(beta?) 0013 on back, spinning(beta?) 0014 0015 0016 on back, dissapearing(freezes) 0017 cutscene animation 0018 lying, sleeping 0019 sitting by the desk in poo cabin 001A sitting by the desk in poo cabin, pointing to that spot 001B Dung Beetle: "Get your shitty arse in there.." 001C Dung Beetle: "Go on. on your bike" 001D an animation used in cutscene, but completely offscreen before switching to value 0004 001E bumping into Conker without looking 001F 0020 another animation only used offscreen, again 0021 "All right there"(beta?) 0022 "You just don't wanna go in there"(beta?) 0023 Walking 0024 Dung beetle going from "skeleton" position to "Sitting down with cup of tea" position(beta?) 0025 Left Dung beetle drinking tea with static wings out. Animates a bit slower, making it look more fluid(beta?) 0026 Left beetle holding tea 0027 about to wave over 0028 waving 0029 Left beetle drinking tea 002A Right beetle grabbed by The Great Mighty Poo 002B Left beetle looking at the middle beetle 002C Chatting with the beetle to the left 002D Chatting with the beetle to the left 002E Chatting with the beetle to the left 002F Drinking cup of tea 0030 Chatting with the beetle to the left 0031 Sitting, with cup of tea 0032 Dung Beetle: "Take my advice and get outta here" 0033 Dung Beetle: "It all started two days ago.." 0034 Dung Beetle: "I'm outta here. You can do what you like" 0035 Dung Beetle: "There's cash up there if ya can be arsed to get it" 0036 Dung Beetle: "This thing came outta the shite" 0037 telling Conker off after having been whacked 0038 getting hit by frying pan Franky's nemesis: model ID: 45 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Blue cog: model ID: 46 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Metal spider: model ID: 47 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E War boat: model ID: 49 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Submarine: model ID: 4A 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Haybot: model ID: 4B 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Green cog: model ID: 4C 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Cannons: model ID: 4E 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Armadillo rocket: model ID: 4F 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Bat: model ID: 50 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Bottom part of Haybot: model ID: 51 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E Carl and Quentin: model ID: 52 0000 idle 0001 Carl saying "Fuck off" 0002 spinning 0003 Carl with strange face 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C Quentin 000D 000E Raptor: model ID: 53 0000 idle 0001 walking 0002 looking around 0003 looking around 0004 turning(counter-clockwise) 0005 turning(clockwise) 0006 looking around 0007 nabbing uga buga 0008 swallowing uga buga 0009 attempting to grab with cheeks 000A running 000B 000C roaming 000D turning 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F killed Buga the Knut: model ID: 54 0000 idle 0001 walking (automatic) 0002 whacking with his bone 0003 looking after Conker 0004 jumping (counter-clockwise) 0005 jumping (clockwise) 0006 holding bone up 0007 dropping cloth, embarrassed 0008 embarrassed, covering his private part 0009 000A getting bitten in butt 000B holding bone up 2 000C holding bone up 3 000D bitten in butt, screaming 000E No-no! 000F "Iii'm best!!" 0010 "Time to whack that furry bastard" 0011 jumping and landing on butt (will also hurt you, in which results buga standing in skeleton position) 0012 getting up on feet 0013 "Iii'm best!!" 2 0014 "Iii'm best!!" 2 0015 No-no! (no sound) 0016 Sitting (can't move) (cutscene) 0017 holding bone up 0018 whacking with bone 0019 holding bone up 2 001A whacking with bone 2 001B holding bone up 3 001C whacking with bone 3 001D 001E Yeeoow!! 001F 0020 ??beta?? 0021 trying to drag up his cloth 0022 "Whut are ya staring at?!" 0023 0024 running (automatic) N Logo 56 0000 0001 Moneybag: model ID: 57 0000 idle 0001 hopping 0002 0003 Jumping 0004 looking around 0005 dropped? 0006 being carried 0007 being carried 0008 being carried 0009 dropped? 000A 000B 000C Traveling on line?(Beta? Can't recall seeing this ingame) 000D SHC Soldier: model ID: 58 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E Tied, shot to death(unused) 001F Tied, shot to death(unused) 0020 Tied, shot to death(unused) 0021 Tied(unused) 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A on electrical chair 002B on electrical chair 002C on electrical chair 002D on electrical chair 002E on electrical chair, chocked 002F on electrical chair, chocked 0030 on electrical chair, chocked 0031 Being experimented on by tediz.(unused) 0032 Being experimented on by tediz, begging them to let go of him.(unused) 0033 Chatting in the bar 0034 Chatting in the bar 0035 Chatting in the bar 0036 Chatting in the bar 0037 Chatting in the bar 0038 Chatting in the bar 0039 Chatting in the bar 003A Chatting in the bar 003B 003C 003D Being experimented on by tediz.(unused) 003E 003F 0040 0041 sleeping on plane 0042 sleeping on plane 0043 getting shot 0044 dead, lying down Rodent: model ID: 5B 0000 idle 0001 walking 0002 hiding in armor 0003 popping out of armor 0004 Turning around(counter-clockwise) 0005 Turning around(clockwise) 0006 Rolling(beta?) 0007 popping out of armor(duplicate?) 0008 Looking around 0009 Heavy armor 000A 000B Pointing??(beta?) 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 Rodent: "Oh Conker. You're king." 0011 Rodent: "Can i be your general?" 0012 Rodent: "Long live the king!" 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 Alien: model ID: 5E 0000 idle 0001 knocked by yellow robot suit 1 0002 knocked by yellow robot suit 2 0003 knocked by yellow robot suit 3 0004 biting 0005 tail whack 0006 0007 crawling 0008 turning (counter-clockwise) 0009 turning (clockwise) 000A knockout 000B knocked out 000C 000D flung against wall 000E getting up 000F being spinned 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B Jugga: model ID: 69 0000 0001 watching 0002 walking 0003 garderning her hair(sorry, didn't have a better name) 0004 when taking notice of Buga the Knut's secret 0005 giggling 0006 good show 0007 slapping hands 0008 another one of those i just can't come up with a fancy name 0009 sitting(cutscene animation) 000A standing up(in a similar way to Neo Berri) 000B ??? 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 cutscene 0011 cutscene 0012 cutscene 0013 cutscene 0014 cutscene 0015 0016 byebye Conker (cutscene) 0017 cutscene Sunflower: model ID: 6C 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F King Bee: model ID: 6D 0000 idle 0001 0002 0003 0004 "Could ya' spare me a dime?" 0005 0006 "I'm king at my own country" 0007 "That bitch threw me out." 0008 0009 Rolling backwards 000A Beta?? 000B 000C 000D 000E Beta? 000F Beta? 0010 Hit with frying pan 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F N Logo being chopped off 6F 0000 0001 0002 0003 unused? 0004 unused? 0005 unused? 0006 unused? Single player gregg: model ID: 70 0000 idle 0001 walking 0002 walking with his megaphone 0003 standing 0004 You just have a few more chances 0005 whose idea was it anyway 0006 0007 0008 Gaah, those cats 0009 Just you wait smart ass. 000A According to the powers that be.. 000B How many grim have you met before.. 000C How many grim have you met before.. 000D what am i supposed to look like 000E You may not be dead/explaining about squirrel tails 000F oh twat, my reaper thing got stuck 0010 Going through list of names over "not quite" dead persons 0011 I'm just doing my job 0012 right, that's it, piss off 0013 Explaining about squirrel tails 0014 i'm not getting paid very much 0015 You're dead. But not quite 0016 oh bloody hell, you have to be a sodding squirrel wouldn't you 0017 oh bloody hell, you have to be a sodding squirrel wouldn't you 0018 Oh, you again. why don't you piss off!/turning around, walking away back to his job 0019 Strange? 001A Explaining about squirrel tails 001B Explaining about squirrel tails 001C Squirrels can have as many lives... 001D Squirrels can have as many lives... 001E In the bar, having headache 001F That's another Twelve souls 0020 I don't bloody believe it.. 0021 Come here ya bastards 0022 Ah, there's a'oner 0023 Unbloody dead 0024 I suppose ya wanna go up there? 0025 Unbloody dead? 0026 Shoot through the head. It's what kills them 0027 0028 0029 Inheritance? Pah! 002A Chopping catfish 002B Chopping catfish 002C Chopping catfish(waiting) Moneybag 2: Model ID: 71 Berri: model ID: 72 FFFF 0000 rock solid 1 0001 rock solid 2 0002 slapping hands in sync with rock solid/dance/whatever music 0003 bending down 0004 about to handstand? 0005 about to handstand? 0006 stretching left, left, and right, right 0007 another one of those i just can't come up with a fancy name 0008 another one of those i just can't come up with a fancy name 0009 up, down, up, down 000A ??? 000B kick 000C handstand 000D pulling forward 000E getting back on feet 000F swooch 0010 rock solid3 0011 rock solid4 0012 ??? 0013 ??? 0014 ??? 0015 ??? 0016 ??? (cutscene??) 0017 0018 0019 he better have an excuse 001A who are you? 001B i'm not interested 001C walking 001D running 001E looking around 001F jumping down 0020 falling animation 0021 landing animation 0022 standing 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 Little Girl: model ID: 7C 0000 idle?? 0001 0002 0003 0004 knocked off tedi boss 0005 falling 0006 0007 hopping up and down? (beta?) 0008 0009 lying on back 000A 000B 000C 000D fake crying 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B Don Weaso: model ID: 86 0000 idle 0001 Don Weaso in confusion. 0002 cutscene 0003 Don Weaso: "my way, or he's a dead mother ---- way/They're on MY patch." 0004 Don Weaso: "When that bomb goes off... I suggest you leave town." 0005 Don Weaso: "OK. Here's the plan" 0006 let's go to work 0007 Don Weaso Holding his hands out. Does not seem to be used anywhere 0008 Don Weaso: "They seem totally outta place in this ecosystem." 0009 we're robbing the feral reserve bank 000A Don Weaso: "We have got ourselves. A little problem. In fact, several little problems" 000B c'mon tough guy 000C where's Frankie, where's Chicho, where's Allie(Ali), where's Paulie 000D walking 000E Sitting 000F Duplicate of 0000 0010 Duplicate of 0000 0011 Duplicate of 0000 0012 Duplicate of 0000 0013 Don Weaso: "Right here. Boss" 0014 Don Weaso: "Thanks very much." 0015 Don Weaso: "So you're not gonna kill him?!" 0016 Don Weaso: "That is the wise that tried to steal MY dough.." 0017 Don Weaso: "Whaddya gotta say for yourself, boy?" 0018 Looking at Conker when he shows up 0019 Don Weaso: "Do you know this tea leaf?" 001A Don Weaso: "The broad does not seem to know you." 001B Get outta here. 001C Listening to Berri 001D Don Weaso: "Let's get back to business. Just got one thing to do. I'll be with you, in a minute." 001E Looking to the left 001F Don Weaso: "Could it be, Paulie!" 0020 about to beat up Paulie 0021 Don Weaso: "when you step outta line, you can expect to be respected back." 0022 Don Weaso backing away?(beta??) 0023 Don Weaso: "WHAAT the??!" 0024 Don Weaso: "Sorry dollface" 0025 Killing Berri by shooting her 0026 Done firing 0027 Don Weaso: "Am i interrupting something here?" 0028 Don Weaso: "Take it. or Leave it!" 0029 Smoking his cigar Tediz/Dr. Tediz: model ID: 5A 8D 0000 Popping out of ground 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B - Standing on briefing table(Blitzkrieg) 002C - Explaining the rules of Blitzkrieg(Blitzkrieg) 002D - About to do a nazistic pose(Blitzkrieg) 002E - 002F - Doing a nazistic pose(Blitzkrieg) 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 - Standing, holding gun pointed up 0039 - Patrolling 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 off duty 0048 0049 off duty 004A - off-duty 004B 004C 004D - Into character 004E - Off-duty 004F 0050 0051 0052 The Great Mighty Poo: model ID: 92 0000 Bending back and forth, hands up, wiggling his fingers(beta) 0001 appearing elsewhere 0002 pulling out poo ball off himself 0003 throwing right poo ball 0004 spitting toilet paper out 0005 about to appear somewhere else 0006 about to say aah 0007 aah 0008 idle (waiting) 0009 pulling out poo ball off himself 2 000A throwing left poo ball 000B flushed down (not spinning) (cutscene animation) 000C flushed down 2 (not spinning) (cutscene animation) 000D holding sweet corn in hand (cutscene animation) 000E Early animation of phase 1?(beta) 000F preparing to sing (beta) 0010 idle (cutscene animation) 0011 Bending back and forth, hands up, wiggling his fingers(beta, duplicate) 0012 Bending back and forth, hands up, wiggling his fingers(beta, duplicate) 0013 ahem, ahem!! (cutscene animation) 0014 i'am the great mighty poo (cutscene animation) 0015 do you really think you'll survive in here (cutscene animation) 0016 sweet corn is the only thing... (cutscene animation) 0017 now i'm really getting rather mad... (cutscene animation) 0018 mii,mi,mi,mi,mi, miiiiiiii!! (cutscene animation) 0019 Idle(phase 2) 001A showing his "lovely" grin (cutscene animation) 001B putting sweet corn into his mouth for use as tooth (cutscene animation) 001C aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! (cutscene animation) 001D and up - no data Neo Berri: model ID: 97 0000 Standing, holding gun with both hands 0001 walking 0002 running 0003 Pulling a knife?(beta?) 0004 Sticking knife on Weasel guard?(beta?) 0005 Running up wall, matrix-style 0006 matrix kick prepare (cutscene) 0007 matrix kick idle (without multiplayer matrix effect) (cutscene) 0008 matrix kick begin (cutscene) 0009 deactivating laser barriers (cutscene) 000A running (cutscene) 000B deactivating laser barriers (after) 000C Firing at Weasel guard (cutscene) 000D walking (cutscene) 000E Done firing (cutscene) 000F standing with gun (cutscene) 0010 throwing knife (cutscene) 0011 Standing with gun? (cutscene) 0012 Firing at Weasel guard(cutscene) 0013 Jumping 0014 Idle 0015 Arms crossed(cutscene) 0016 Ok materialist, it's all your's now(cutscene) 0017 Lying on floor, killed/dead 0018 Lying on floor, killed, nearly dead 0019 Lying on floor, nearly dead 001A Lying on floor, dead 001B Alternate standing(idle) pose?(beta) 001C Getting shot 001D Yeah. Just like my boyfriend(cutscene) 001E cutscene? 001F Adjusting ponytail(cutscene) 0020 ? 0021 Stupid uncomfortable pants(cutscene) 0022 Lunged out of air lock(cutscene) 0023 Flying out into space(cutscene) 0024 ? Prof. Von Kriplespac: model ID: 99 0000 walking 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010 0011 0012 0013 Cutscene: Throwing chocolate out of window 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002A 002B 002C 002D 002E 002F 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 dragged by air lock 0039 003A and up end of list(Skeletal position) Bat Conker: model ID: 9A Note: Both bats share the same property and bones, so the animations of the normal bats might not be used for Bat Conker, and vice versa 0000 Hanging on ceiling(unused) 0001 cutscene?(unused) 0002 rolling? 0003 0004 0005 0006 retreating back to ceiling(unused) 0007 0008 But i'm blind you #%¤*(unused) 0009 But i'm blind you #%¤*(unused) 000A 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F Flapping wings, flying 0010 Crawling on ground 0011 Zooming down 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 Idling 0017 Flapping wings in air, still 0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 and up end of list(skeletal position) Pikachu Tail: model ID: AA 0000 bending back and forth Panther King model ID 76 0000 - 0001 - 0002 - Sitting on throne 0003 - "More milk? Yes!" 0004 - Having his glass filled 0005 - Drinking his glass of milk 0006 - "What's wrong with my table?" 0007 - "Tasty milk!" 0008 - Putting glass on table 0009 - Angered 000A - "Call the Professor!!" 000B - 000C - 000D - 000E - 000F - 0010 - 0011 - 0012 - 0013 - 0014 - 0015 - 0016 - 0017 - 0018 - 0019 - 001A - 001B - 001C - 001D - 001E - 001F - 0020 -